Tag Archive for: Medik8 products

Dark spots and sun damage dulling your skin’s radiance? Discover the power of Vitamin C. This powerhouse ingredient is a summer skincare secret capable of revitalising your skin from dull to brighter and more youthful. See how to incorporate Vitamin C in your routine.

As the seasons shift and we embrace the warmth of Spring, it’s time to give your beauty routine a well-deserved update. So, what do these changes into the warmer Spring months have in store for your skin? In the blog, our skin experts explore five crucial adjustments you should make for your skin this Spring to keep it happy and healthy.

Winter is here, and more than likely, you’ve noticed your skin respond to the cold change. In this post, our expert skin therapists share four skincare tips to help you prevent dry skin during the winter months. Dry July, be gone!

Want to learn about acne and how to best control it from a Dermal Therapist? We don’t like to gatekeep, so here we’re sharing the must-know secrets and our top-rated products you can use in the fight against acne and breakouts, just in time for Acne Awareness Month.

Throughout summer, we want you to protect your skin, not only from the effects of the harsh Australian sun, but also from other factors that cause premature ageing. Can you stop ageing or reverse it? Likely no, however these could be some common mistakes you’re making that speed up the signs of ageing in summer.

As the seasons change, so does our skin. Just as you switch up your wardrobe, it’s important to do the same for your skincare regime. Read on for 5 effective ways to switch up your skincare regime as we head out of Summer and into Autumn.

Medik8 - Denise Applying Crystal Retinal

Both Crystal retinal and intelligent retinol have amazing anti-aging properties, but why do we favour Crystal?

Vitamin A Conversion

Both retinal and retinol help to increase proliferation (cell turnover), increase collagen and elastin synthesis, decrease melanin production, reduce sebum production, stimulate Glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) and finally thicken the epidermis for plumper skin. So why not favour both?

Well firstly, let’s get to know the Vitamin A stages of conversion. Retinoic acid is the form of vitamin A used by the cell, however we can’t put retinoic acid directly onto the skin. However we can put retinol and retinaldehyde onto the skin, which the skin then converts to retinoic acid through the stages of conversion.

Vitamin A pathway

Intelligent Retinol

Intelligent Retinol from Medik8 is a classic form of vitamin A. Retinol must go through 2 conversions to get to retinoic acid, the vitamin A form used within the cell. This means it takes longer to ‘work’ in the skin, and the skin has to do a lot more work to get it to retinoic acid, sometimes causing irritation. Medik8 Intelligent Retinol TR also contains vitamin E and Jojoba oil, giving the skin extra antioxidants and nourishment.

Intelligent Retinol is ideal for:

  • Those looking to prevent signs of aging.
  • Those who like a lightweight, fast absorbing oil formulation.

Key benefits:

  • Perfect for those looking to level up from Night Ritual Vitamin A.
  • Great product for those looking for a classic form of Vitamin A.

Crystal Retinal

As the name suggests, Medik8 Crystal Retinal is the retinaldehyde form of vitamin A encapsulated in a cyclodextrin crystal exterior. This has been proven to be 2.8 times more biologically active then retinol and is the only form of vitamin A to have antibacterial properties – meaning it can help to kill the bacteria causing breakouts (p. acne). It also only has to go through 1 conversion to get to retinoic acid, meaning quicker cellular regeneration and less irritation.

Crystal Retinal is also great for people with sensitive skin because of its time release technology, in which the retinal is released into the skin slowly overnight. It also contains multi-weight hyaluronic acid, Vitamin E and glycerin.

Crystal retinal is ideal for:

  • Blemish-prone skin.
  • Prevention of premature aging.
  • Those looking for a vitamin A without irritation.
  • Those looking for a step up from Retinol TR.
  • Those looking for the most powerful of Vitamin A’s.
  • Those who prefer a cream-serum.

Key benefits:

  • Encourages quick cellular regeneration.
  • Stabilised retinal.
  • Available in 5 strengths.
  • Non-irritating.

Both retinal and retinol can cause mild irritation when they’re first introduced to the skin, but these effects are temporary, and they usually occur when vitamin A has been introduced too quickly or in too high a quantity.

Technically speaking, retinol is usually gentler than retinal, but new developments in encapsulation techniques have allowed formulators to create retinal products that are just as kind to the skin as retinol.

Introducing vitamin A into your routine gradually is the best way to avoid irritation. Start with a low percentage. Use it twice a week for the first 2 weeks, every other night for a further 2 weeks and then every night. Once your skin has built-up a tolerance to the ingredient, you can then move on to higher strength products.

If you are unsure what vitamin A is for you, book a phone or in-person skin consult with our Skin Therapists, which can be booked online.

Results from 8 LED Treatments using Healite

At Bobbie Charles we are wholeheartedly committed to helping you feel confident in your own skin, through a combination of effective in-clinic treatment plans and tailored at home products to enhance your results.

Our most popular and well-loved skin treatment would have to be Low-Level Light Therapy (LLLT) using the Healite II, a world leading LED light treatment for skin rejuvenation and healing. Not all LED devices are created equal; so, it’s important to know you are being treated with the best the industry has to offer.

The Healite II, which is a TGA approved medical device backed by proven clinical studies, harnesses the properties of 830/590nm and 415nm light via light emitting diodes (LED) technology. This device works at a subcellular, cellular and tissue level, treating effectively without the possibility of physical trauma or thermal damage. The treatment is pain free, non-invasive and can be used as a stand-alone treatment to improve skin texture, reducing acne and rosacea, wrinkle depth and skin texture issues. Due to its ability to heal the skin, the Healite II is also used as an adjunctive treatment to other cosmetic procedures.

 Why use Healite II LED Light Therapy?

  1. Promotes Skin Rejuvenation

As you age, your body starts producing less collagen. The skin becomes thinner, drier, and experiences a downturn in quality collagen and elastin fibres. The degradation of these fibres leads to wrinkle formation and an inability for the skin to look plump and lifted. With Healite II LED Light Therapy we can wind back the clock and regain skin rejuvenation.

When it comes to skin rejuvenation and anti-ageing, the 830 nm LED light wavelength is the answer. The light triggers a response by the skin’s cells and sets off a cascade of cellular reactions, which results in a release of growth factors, new collagen synthesis and improvements in the microcirculation.

  1. Enhances Your Body’s Natural Cellular Recovery

Healite II LED Light Therapy enhances our body’s natural cellular recovery. But you are probably thinking “what does this actually mean?”. This medical grade device improves your body’s healing time, it aids in pain relief, treats active acne, improves blood flow circulation, and promotes skin rejuvenation for an anti-aging effect.

The near infrared (830nm wavelength) is the setting of choice for post-surgical procedures including breast augmentations, face-lifts, rhinoplasty etc. to calm inflammation, accelerate wound healing and reduce bruising; reducing downtime by half as studies show. The below table shows the healing comparison time post procedure without using Healite II compared to using the Healite II post procedure.


  1. Helps Treat Various Skin Conditions & Boosts Immune Function

Healite II LED Light Therapy not only helps rejuvenate your skin, but it has a lot of healing benefits as well. It can be used to help improve inflammatory skin conditions such as acne, dermatitis, eczema, and psoriasis. The LED light stimulates deep skin cells and boosts your immune function. It helps improve compromised skin and is a great stand-alone treatment, an amazing addition to our results-based facials such as Skin Peels, and complements prescribed at-home products for enhanced results, such as the Medik8 Crystal Retinal 3 and Medik8 Clarity Peptides.

  1. Helps Improve Acne/Breakouts

When it comes to acne, Healite II has been shown to reduce the appearance of acne scarring, reduce redness and inflammation, and further reduces breakouts.

The blue light (415nm wavelength) is used for the treatment of active acne, blackheads, and congestion. This light is responsible for killing off the acne causing bacteria found on our skin.

The near infrared (830nm wavelength) is best used to calm inflammation and accelerate healing. This is the setting of choice for reducing acne scars and inflamed acne.


The results shown above are thanks to a combination of at-home skin care prescribed by our Dermal Clinician, and regular LED treatments under the Healite II in just under 3 months.⁠⁠

  1. No Pain and No Downtime

Our Healite II LED Light Therapy has so many benefits, but what’s the biggest bonus? This skin treatment is completely pain-free and there is no downtime! Most people describe it as a similar sensation to laying under the warm sun (but good for your skin!). Most clients also do not realise you get immediate results as well. Immediately after your treatment, skin will appear plumper, more rejuvenated and will be glowing.

Invest in the skin you’re in!

Let us take you on the journey to your best skin yet. Bobbie Charles Skin & Cosmetic Clinic offer LED Light Facials starting from $69 per treatment, that can be performed in as little time as a half hour lunch break!

Clinical studies show maximum results when using the Healite II Phototherapy treatment twice a week for 4 weeks. For best results and cost saving, grab a LED Package of 10 x LED light facials for $690.

Before doing LED Light Therapy for the first time, head over to the LED Light Facials web page and view the advice & contraindications before booking in your LED Light Facial with us. You can easily book a LED Light Facial online 24/7 on our website or give the friendly team a call in-clinic to purchase the package today.

Medik8 has over 70 different products: including cleansers, direct acids, toners, serums, creams and sunscreens. They give you the choice to tailor your skincare specifically to your needs. But with so many products, and only one face, where do you even start?

The Perfect Regime

Understanding your skin is the first step to a fully developed skincare routine. Consider the skin concern you want to address – is it fine lines and wrinkles you want to target, or a set of blemishes which need to be calmed? Medik8 Regimes are specifically designed to cater to any skincare concern – you can find these here.

However, if you want to build your own skincare regime bespoke to your skin’s needs or need help on how to use your existing products, keep reading.

Medik8 believe every skincare regime should be based on CSA; vitamin C and sunscreen by day (C + S), and vitamin A by night (A). Start with CSA, and you can build from there.

Here’s how to build a typical morning and evening routine:

AM Routine

  1. Cleanser

In the morning, a light cleanser will gently wash away oils produced overnight, leaving your skin prepared for morning skincare. We recommend a foam, mousse or gel cleanser for the most refreshing morning cleanse. See the Medik8 range of cleansers we recommend here.

  1. Direct Acid/ Toner

A light sweep of a direct acid and/or hydrating toner will help active ingredients in your regime to penetrate better into the skin. See the Medik8 range of Toners we recommend here.

  1. Target Serum

This could be a peptide or a booster serum to target a specific skincare concern. Depending on whether your target serum is oil, water or emulsion based, it may layer before or after your vitamin C. See the range of Peptides here.

  1. Vitamin C

Vitamin C, an exceptionally powerful antioxidant, is vital to apply in the morning to protect your delicate skin from environmental damage throughout the day. See the range of Vitamin C serums here.

  1. Moisturiser and Sunscreen

Keep your skin protected from damaging UV rays and sun damage, which can cause premature ageing. UV rays are responsible for 80% of visible facial ageing, so keeping skin protected from the sun is the key to looking youthful for longer. Medik8 Physical Sunscreen is a high-performance SPF 50 sunscreen that provides powerful broad-spectrum protection from UVA and UVB rays. We highly recommend you go check it out here.

PM Routine

  1. Double Cleanse

Start with a gentle eye make-up remover before moving onto cleansing. Double Cleansing is ideal to remove all traces of makeup, sunscreen and daily pollutants, particularly if you wear heavier make up. Start with massaging in an oil or cream cleanser, to lift make up and oil from the skin, then using a lighter foam, mousse, or gel cleanser with for a thorough cleanse.

For heavy makeup wearers, our recommended double cleanse regime begins with Lipid-Balance Cleansing Oil, followed by Micellar Mousse.

For Congested/Blemish Prone Skins, our recommended double cleanse regime begins with Lipid-Balance Cleansing Oil, followed by Clarifying Foam.

For Dry/Sensitive Skins, our recommended double cleanse regime begins with Cream Cleanse, followed by Gentle Cleanse.

  1. Direct Acid/Toner

A light sweep of a direct acid can gently exfoliate the complexion, while helping other active ingredients in your regime to penetrate better into the skin. See the range of Toners here.

  1. Target Serum

This could be a peptide or a booster serum to target a specific skincare concern. Depending on the base of your target serum, it may layer before or after your vitamin A (check the table for layering guidance!). Our recommendation is Medik8 Hydr8 B5 Intense for a supercharged hyaluronic acid serum.

  1. Vitamin A

The skin is most active at night as skin cell regeneration becomes supercharged while we sleep. This makes it the ideal time to use vitamin A serums which also speed up skin cell renewal. Most forms of vitamin A are deactivated by sunlight, so always incorporate your retinol or retinal serum into your night-time routine. See the Medik8 range of Vitamin A serums here.

  1. Moisturiser

Overnight is also the ideal time to rehydrate, richer moisturisers have time to sink deeper into your skin. Opt for a heavier moisturiser than what you would use in the daytime to truly nourish and rejuvenate skin as you sleep. See the Medik8 range of Moisturisers here.

  1. Bi-Weekly at Home Treatment

Apply up to twice a week to give your skin a boost, we have a range of masks and treatments which are perfect for some skin indulgence. For a real boost, you can double mask! Start with applying Medik8 Natural Clay Mask for 10 minutes to refine the skin, remove, then apply Medik8 Ultimate Recovery Bio-Cellulose Mask to plump and hydrate! Sleep Glycolic is a perfect at-home peel for a once per week treat.

Layering Guide

So, you’ve chosen the products you want in your bespoke skincare regime, now it’s time to understand how to layer them onto the face, in the morning or evening.

When layering skincare, these are our general recommendations:

1) Apply in the order; Cleanse, Toner/Direct Acid, Eye Serum, Face Serum, Oil, Face Moisturiser/Cream, Sunscreen.

2) When layering multiple serums apply in the order; Water-based serums then oil-based serums then emulsion-based serums (milky lotion consistency). If unsure what base your Medik8 serum is, refer to the table below or consult the exhaustive table found on the Medik8 website here.

3) Apply any serums of the same base in order lightest to heaviest in texture.


Click here for the exhaustive table of layering skincare, which includes every product in the Medik8 range, listed in order of application in a regime. Alongside the products are helpful notes to help tailor your regime further and get the very best out of each product.

If you are unsure about any of this or have any questions about building a bespoke regime for you, please do not hesitate to book in for a phone or in-person skin consult with our Dermal Therapist, which can be booked online.


­­This article originally appeared on the Medik8 website as ‘How to Build a Bespoke Skincare Regime’.