The process of Cosmetic Tattooing does temporarily change the state of mind, the body’s blood-chemistry, as well as tax the immune system somewhat during healing.
- Avoid sun and/or UV tanning beds prior to your tattoo procedure for 30 days.
- DO NOT drink alcohol within 24hrs prior to your tattoo procedure.
- DO NOT drink caffeine the day of your appointment if it makes you agitated/anxious.
- No skin treatments for 2 weeks prior to your tattoo procedure.
- No LED for 3 days post having your tattoo procedure.
- Cease use of prescription strength retinol products 3 months prior to your tattoo procedure.
- No anti-wrinkle injections for 2 weeks prior, it takes 2 weeks to fully see the results of muscle relaxants and your facial features may change in this time. Fillers greatly change the face/lip shape therefore, filler must have completely settled prior to any Cosmetic Tattooing. We recommend you wait 4 weeks after having filler before Cosmetic Tattooing.
- If you’re on blood thinning medications that require a prescription i.e. Warfarin, you will need medical clearance from your doctor allowing your tattoo procedure.
- Blood thinning medications that do not require a prescription for example Vit E, Aspirin, Fish Oil must be ceased 72hrs prior to your tattoo procedure.
- No colour/tint to your eyebrows 7 days prior to your tattoo procedure.
In any case where you are suffering a non-contagious skin condition, you should seek medical treatment and obtain clearance from your Doctor before any Cosmetic Tattoo procedure can resume or start. Non-contagious skin conditions include:
- Dermatitis or eczema
- Severe Rosacea or coupe-rosé skin
- Psoriasis
- Sun related i.e. sunburn, sun or climate related skin damage
- Skin cancers, benign or malignant tumours
- Various types of cysts
- Dilated capillaries
- Trauma, bruises or significant scarring
- Bring your favourite eyebrow pencils – This helps understand what colour you desire to achieve.
- Permanent hair removal (IPL) should not be done for 1 week prior.
- If you are prone to herpes simplex breakouts (cold sores) use Zovirax or Famvir Tablets for 3 days prior to your tattoo procedure, the day of your procedure and 3 days after your procedure. These can be obtained from the pharmacy.
- Bring your favourite lip liners and lipsticks to your appointment – This helps understand what colour you desire to achieve.
- Keep your lips hydrated with lip balm the week prior to your appointment.