
What is Dermaplaning?

Dermaplaning (also commonly known as epiblading or dermablading) is a non-invasive exfoliation treatment used to remove dead skin cells as well as any vellus (fluffy) facial hair.

This treatment immediately rejuvenates the skin whilst stimulating the renewal of healthier skin cells and fibroblast activity. What the heck is that? When we increase fibroblast activity, we’re increasing collagen and elastin production which in turn gives your skin its framework, giving you plumper, firmer and tighter skin.

In this treatment, a sterile surgical blade is used to carefully glide over the entire face and neck leaving the skin smooth, glowing, and supple. The skins integrity is maintained and nourished with our specialised serums, both during and after the treatment, reducing the chance of any unwanted inflammation or irritation.

We then apply a hydrating and calming cream mask. The mask reduces any risk of post dehydration. We then let you to rest under our Healite II Medical LED light device for advanced skin health and anti-aging improvements. The LED will help speed up recovery caused by excessive flushing post treatment and will stimulate collagen and elastin, leaving a rejuvenated skin that still has its integrity.

With little to no downtime, this is the perfect glow-up treatment pre event.


Post dermaplaning, skin is visibly brighter, smoother and the overall tone and texture of the skin is improved. This gentle treatment is perfect for special occasions as it leaves your makeup sitting flawlessly on your skin. It also allows active ingredients to penetrate deeper, meaning you get better results from your ‘at home’ product use.

Service information

Treatment Frequency: 

This treatment is usually recommended to be performed every 3-4 weeks to keep your results consistent.

Can be combined with:

Ideal for: 

  • Those looking for a pregnancy safe treatment
  • Brightening and evening out the complexion
  • Vellus (peach fuzz) hair removal
  • Tightening and firming the skin
  • That pre-event glow
  • Reducing the look of enlarged pores
  • Reducing the look of fine lines


  • Active acne (grade 3 and above) and pustular acne lesion that are red and irritated
  • Topical or oral acne medication within the last 6 months
  • Injectables within the last 2 weeks (Dermaplaning can be done prior even on the same day)
  • Chemical peel or laser treatment within the last 2 weeks
  • Diabetes – Must be under control by diet or medication
  • Cancer – Not while undergoing treatment
  • Blood thinners or history of bleeding problems/delayed coagulation following injury
  • Melasma and/or post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation
  • Pustular acne lesion that are red and irritated
  • Moles & Skin Tags (we will need to avoid those areas)
  • If you experience high anxiety
  • Severely dry and/or dehydrated skin
  • Cold sores or other open lesions
  • Contagious skin disorders
  • Sunburned or windburned skin
  • Rosacea

Potential Risks:

Whilst it’s very rare, you may sometimes obtain very small nips from the surgical steel blade, therefore this treatment is a non-talking treatment. Our therapists are trained to minimise this risk.

Expected Side Effects: 

  • Mild redness (will subside within 1-4 hours post treatment)
  • Mild dryness if you are dehydrated pre-treatment
  • Sensitivity which can last up to 72 hours

Pre-Treatment Requirements:


  • Prime the skin with Vitamin C & Vitamin A for at least 2 weeks prior to your treatment. Research has shown the use of Vitamin C & Vitamin A prior to and throughout your skin treatments will maximise the results of this skin rejuvenation procedure. The treatment will be more effective, your healing time will be reduced, and the risk of post peel complications will be lessened.
  • Ensure you are applying a broad-spectrum SPF daily.


  • Bleach, wax, scrub 1 week before the treatment
  • Apply retinoid (Vitamin A) 3 days before the treatment
  • Have sun exposure to the area being treated

Post-Treatment Requirements: 

  • Do not use products containing Salicylic acid or Benzoyl Peroxide (BPO) for 5 days post treatment.
  • Do not use abrasive wash cloths and use only gentle cleansers for 5 days post treatment.
  • Avoid sun exposure as much as possible and wear a broad-spectrum 50+ sunscreen daily. If you must be in the sun, apply and reapply every 2 hours, wear a hat and sunglasses and seek shade.
  • Do not use retinol (Vitamin A) or physical exfoliants for 5 days post treatment.
  • Keep the skin hydrated with HA and moisturiser. It’s common for skin to feel tight but is dewy to the touch. This is good and will only last a short time.
  • Ensure you thoroughly sanitise all makeup brushes/sponges and change your pillowcase, so you are not at risk of infection and/or breakout.
  • Delay exposure to excessive heat, heavy workouts, steam rooms and saunas for 24-48 hours post treatment.
  • Avoid further clinical treatments (including but not limited to: microdermabrasion, laser, intense pulse light and or chemical peels) for 2 weeks post treatment.

Not at all. The treatment will feel totally comfortable and relaxing.

No. Dermaplaning gently removes any fine vellus hair (AKA peach fuzz), hairs will not grow back thick, stubbly or darker, as vellus hair will never turn into mature hair (dark hair) from Dermaplaning.

This treatment alone is safe during pregnancy but please keep in mind your skin may respond a little differently whilst you are growing your little munchkin. Pregnancy causes the skin to be more sensitive and heal slower. We will adjust the intensity of the treatment if you are pregnant for extra precaution whilst still getting you the results. All precautions are taken but you are always best to consult your medical professional.

Dermaplaning can be performed every 3 to 4 weeks. This allows the skin to complete its normal 28-day cycle before the treatment is repeated.

All skin types can benefit from Dermaplaning except moderate to extreme acne sufferers and those with rosacea can get quite pink, so we normally recommend different treatments such as peels, LED and facials. Men can be treated on non-beard areas only.

Yes. We recommend waxing first. Dermaplaning will be performed around the waxed area and never over freshly waxed skin.

Exciting! This is our fav treatment to do before a special event, but we do recommend your dermaplaning to be performed 3-5 days before.

We highly recommend letting your skin breathe straight after your treatment, but if you have to, use a light mineral makeup applied with super clean brushes. We recommend Youngblood to be used as your makeup for the first 72 hours post-procedure.